Wasatch conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for a proposed retail development that consisted of a collection of 10 parcels with multiple commercial and industrial property uses.
Environmental concerns were identified on each parcel. Significant issues included the following:
Wasatch Environmental conducted subsurface investigation and identified polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the soil and groundwater that were isolated and could be addressed with localized removal. Chlorinated solvents were also in the soil and groundwater at multiple locations. Horizontal and vertical investigation identified one primary source area with several smaller source areas that could also be addressed with localized removal. Relatively low concentrations of benzene were found in groundwater across most of the area. Site-specific cleanup levels were created that eliminated the need for corrective action to address petroleum impacts.
Wasatch obtained enforceable written assurance from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to establish bona fide prospective purchaser status. The entire redevelopment site was accepted into the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) voluntary cleanup program (VCP), and Wasatch implemented activities based on acquisition of the various parcels within the proposed development.
In response to Phase I and Phase II ESAs, redevelopment moved forward, incorporating final site characterization with demolitions. Wasatch identified contamination areas and provided soil and groundwater cleanup with the cooperation and assistance of the redevelopment contractor. The land was remediated to facilitate development and the goals of the VCP.
After remediation activities, long-term monitoring wells were installed. Wasatch continues to consult with the property owner by monitoring both horizontal and vertical residual impacts to groundwater.