DEQ Winter 2015 Report Highlights Wasatch Redevelopment

DEQ Winter 2015 Report Highlights Wasatch Redevelopment Site

500 South Multi-Family Housing Project

The southeast corner of 500 South and 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, had been the site of a gasoline station from the 1960s through the 1990s. A petroleum release was discovered in 1999 when the gas station and underground storage tanks were removed. Wasatch Environmental conducted site investigation activities and installed a remediation system to address soil and groundwater impacts. The site remained undeveloped while investigation and cleanup activities continued. The release site was part of a multi-parcel area that was attractive for redevelopment. Although the residual soil and groundwater impacts had not reached all the analytical milestones necessary to achieve regulatory closure, impacted soils and groundwater were at such depths that development activities were not expected to disturb soils at depths where the highest concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon were located. Redevelopment design avoided vapor intrusion concerns from impacted groundwater by using the lower level of the building as an underground parking area.


"Thanks for your help. Without it, we may have never gotten out of the ground."

- Paul Willie, Developer


Wasatch Redevelopment Site
DEQ Winter 2015 Report Highlights Wasatch Redevelopment Site